
There is no question that awkward and intense moments can happen in the workplace. From coworkers dating and breaking up, to employee’s simply downright hating their bosses, drama has been welcomed in most work environments.

Even though, drama can be a normal occurrence in the workplace, being served civil papers at work is not a normal occurrence. Just like anything in life, there are pros and cons to having someone served while they are at work.

First, let’s take a look at the Cons of having someone served while they’re at work:

Creates even more tension in the workplace (This con is only applicable if you are serving someone you work with.): Having a fellow employee served while they are at work can create even more tension in the workplace. According to The Nest a process server can simply walk into the workplace during business hours, and hand the papers to your boss or manager and then leave before anyone has even read the papers. This can put a strain on your boss, and create more problems between employees.

It doesn’t look professional: To say it kindly, having someone served at work does not look professional for either party. The workplace is not meant for personal issues. Regardless if you work together or not, it just simply does not look good.

Gets the person fired: There have been many times where false accusations have been made towards someone else. Serving someone while they are at work, could result in the person losing their job. If it turns out that a judge finds them innocent of whatever they are being served for, then they could have lost their job for nothing.

Second, Pros of having someone served while they’re at work:

If you can’t locate where they live: This may seem silly. If you don’t know where they live how will you know where they work? This could be true, but legally the person would have to provide their social security card in order to be paid for their work. Because of this you can find someone by their social security number. It may seem like a lot, but it is a solution. You don’t have to provide a social security number to crash on a friends couch.

They can’t refuse the papers, and the business can’t refuse the process server from entering the establishment: According to The Nest, many states have laws preventing a company security guard, or anyone else, from trying to physically interfere with a process server who is delivering court papers. This means that attempting to remove a process server could result in a misdemeanor or even a felony.

It is safer for all parties involved: When serving someone in a public place, it is safer for the process server. Having more people around to witness the occurrence holds the defendant to a higher standard and protects all parties involved. There are also more people to testify that the papers were served properly.

Serving someone at work is unconventional and definitely gives employees something to talk about. Before having someone served at work, consider the outcomes and make sure you are doing it for the right reasons.


By: Christa Vandenburgh