“Negotiating is a way of reconciling the various visions and needs of two parties, as well as an inevitable stepping stone to an improved future” (Entrepreneur).
Negotiations happen all the time. It could be negotiating benefits in a job interview or striking a bargain with a new product vendor. The best negotiation outcomes are when all parties walk away happy. If there is a clear winner, that means that someone is leaving feeling cheated. For some people, negotiating can be intimidating. Your heart starts racing, the room gets really warm and all you want to do is bolt out the door. But fear not, great negotiators can be made. Rather than thinking about worst case scenarios, focus on what you can control during negotiations by implementing these 4 tips:
Make the first move
The person to determine the starting point in the negotiations sets the tone and direction of the negotiating. You have a more optimistic opportunity to sway the compromise in your favor by acting first. Make a lasting first impression by painting a picture of your position through storytelling to your counterpart. With a good mix of logical arguments and emotional undertones you can lay the foundation for your request.
Know when to be quiet
Don’t let nerves get you chatty. People can negotiate themselves away from a good deal because they feel the need to fill silence and accidently end up making unnecessary concessions. Knowing when to sit and have a moment of silence during negotiations can give you the powerful upper hand and gives you time to collect your thoughts before moving forward.
Body language
During negotiations, be aware of your body language. Nervous habits can signal to the other party if you are feeling nervous about the direction of your conversation and use it to their advantage. Try to be mindful of your limbs, stance and body motions. Resist fidgeting with your watch, playing with your hair or frantically looking around the room.
Understand your opponent’s motivators
To best prepare your strategy, it’s beneficial to have an understanding of who you are negotiating against. What are they looking to gain from the negotiation? Are they willing to meet in the middle? Who is performing the negotiation? How attached are they to the cause? Answering questions similar to these allow you to gain insights on what messages and arguments to make that will result in the biggest outcome.
Remember, everything is negotiable. You simply have to have the confidence to pursue your view point. What are your go to negotiating tactics? Share them in the comments below!
By: Rebecca Bordner